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Thursday, February 27, 2025

 Exporting Visualizations 


* To Export a Visualization:

You can do a direct export of a visualization to a PDF document. The document will consist of a PDF page that contains what you currently see in the visualization.

The following procedure describes how to export such a visualization. The content on the created PDF page will reflect what is currently visible in the analysis. You can, however, still decide whether or not the visualization title, the legend, and the axis selectors should be visible on the PDF page. A preview of the PDF output will always be provided.

* Procedure:

  1. In the analysis, click the visualization that you want to export to a PDF document.
    The visualization becomes the active visualization, which is indicated by a thin frame.
  2. Right-click the visualization, and select Export > Visualization to PDF.
    The Export to PDF dialog is displayed. You can also, to the right on the toolbar, click the Menu button. In the opened menu, select Export > To PDF. Beneath What to export, make sure Active visualization is selected.
  3. To Show visualization titleShow legend, or Show axis selectors, make sure corresponding check boxes are selected.
  4. For a tabular visualization, the Export entire table check box is provided. Make sure the check box is clear.
  5. If you want, use the general settings in the dialog to modify the PDF output.
  6. Click Export.
  7. The created PDF document is downloaded to your computer.